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There is one field in SouthClan completely frozen over no matter what time of year. No one knows how it's possible but there always seems to be some frost on every blade of grass when they come by. It's always cold in that area even in the summer and the river in the field is frozen half the time. Other times its freezing cold. In winter, the ice can get three inches thick sometimes.

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Far away from SouthClan camp is a large swamp. The water is surprisingly clean for a swamp, but that doesn't mean it's clean. It's a deep blue color with only a thing layer of algae and nasty gunk every here and there. Some fish live here, very LARGE fish. It's always eerily silent here except for the silent sound of bugs and the haunting call of sorrowful birds.

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Once a beautiful forest, this land was scorched by a random forest fire. Not an inch of grass was left alive. For the longest time this forest was dead, much like the one in EastClan... until it began to grow back stronger than ever. No one knows what caused it but the trees came back twice as large, the foliage twice as wonderful, and the flowers twice as vibrant. Theres an easy way up to the canopy where and old trunk fell against another tree. The branches of the forest are so thickly twined that a cat could easily navigate the area without following through.

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newBookmarkLockedFalling ANNOUNCEMENT!! [read, please]
C A P E [penguin] 0 300 by C A P E [penguin]
Jun 20, 2008 22:05:30 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Re: More Updates
C A P E [penguin] 0 657 by C A P E [penguin]
Jun 13, 2008 19:27:07 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling just to let yo u know - -
- - t i d e 0 335 by - - t i d e
Jun 13, 2008 17:59:08 GMT -5


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SouthClan territory is near the source of all the magic. It's pretty much the most difficult terrain of them all. It has many different parts of land. It faces many random floods, forest/grass fires, storms, small twisters and the like. Yet SouthClan has learned to adjust to these things and make their life immune to these things. This land also has some of the nicest places because the more magic can support them.
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