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As most sites do, this site has boring rules that you MUST read. We need you to go over these before you join, and even member might want to check these every now and then. You never know what might be added or changed.

2 2 in character rules
by C A P E [penguin]
Jun 12, 2008 14:49:36 GMT -5
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Updates and notices will be posted here. It's best you check here every now and then, but we'll try to make them announcements. When a thought is decided upon, you bet it will be posted here. Important stuff is in this board. Be sure to look at it!

6 15 staff auditions
by panth
Aug 1, 2008 1:45:16 GMT -5
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Dead threads and previous posts will be stored here. This is for both in and out of character just so we can keep the place nice and tidy yet still have these things around. It's nice to use them as reference later if needed.

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Here is where the info on the clans and the list of cats and ranks are. These are fairly important and help keep track of characters, apprentices, names, mentors... things that might be nice to know.

5 5 Rogues && Loners
by C A P E [penguin]
Jun 11, 2008 12:18:57 GMT -5


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Here you can chat, play games, introduce yourself, make polls. Many come here to chill after posting or while waiting. Sometimes it's nice to get to know each other. Here your free to do what you want as long as you follow the rules.

Sub-boards: P L A Y T i M E, i N T R O D U C T i O N S, A W A Y

15 40 once more
by C A P E [penguin]
Jul 23, 2008 18:05:15 GMT -5
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If you follow our rules, then you're free to advertise your site or even affiliate with us. Of course, it's guest friendly and there is no form for advertising.

Guest Advertising: Open
Guest Affiliating : Open
Member Affiliating / Advertising: Open.

Sub-board: A F F i L i A T E

54 58 Космолот казино
by Cosmolot
Oct 9, 2020 11:31:48 GMT -5
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Of course we know this site is not perfect, and we'd love to hear what everyone thinks. We want to make this site welcome to the members and a warm place that everyone can love. So if you have questions, suggestions, or comments PLEASE feel free to post them. We'd love to hear them.

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Yes, there has to be ONE board only open for the staff, so here it is. This board was created so that the staff of this site could discuss important matters and work our tails off. Don't feel as if your missing anything.

5 17


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Ready to join a clan and start your adventure? Come by here, fill out the form, and create your cat. When your done, some one with bio approving powers will come by to either say ya or nay.

Sub-board: D E N i E D

20 35 ravenwing
by shadowstar
Nov 11, 2008 15:26:07 GMT -5
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When your bio is approved and recorded in the 'clans' board, it will be moved here into the appropriate clan sub-board so you can easily find it if needed. If you see that there was some kind of problem when moving the thread, please PM an admin and we will fix it.

Sub-boards: N O R T H C L A N, E A S T C L A N, S O U T H C L A N, W E S T C L A N, R O G U E S & L O N E R S

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Anything else involving your character such as adoption, the cemetery, character logs, relationship board, kits board, and plots board will be found in here. If you want your character to be active and have a wonderful life, heres the place.

Sub-boards: C H A R A C T E R L O G S, R E L A T i O N S H i P S, S M A L L P L O T S, A D O P T i O N, K i T T E N S

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In one of the many dips lays a deep valley-like gorge that NorthClan makes their camp in. A small cluster of trees is rooted to the very center where lookout posts are held. Dug into the sides of the valley-gorge are small dead end tunnels where the dens are made. Tunnel made entrances are hidden in piles or rocks along the walls and another entrance is a winding trail upwards.

Sub-board: F A L L E N T R U N K

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This land is a lot of rocks and jagged peaks. If there is one place that is going to get snow over winter, this is the place. With it's many raised places, NorthClan territory also has dips. This place is the most earth tied. It's so low down and high up, but it's many strong rooted trees and rocky overhangs remind all cats of the dirt beneath their paws. Many good sunning spots can be found here and despite the rocky terrain, much prey lives here.

Sub-boards: L O S T D E N S, P E B B L E G O R G E, T H E R i V E R B E D

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Far back near the edge of EastClan territory is a large cave up on the side of a cliff. It's not to high up and has an easy slope to climb. Inside the cave is where the EastClan camp is located. In it's center is a small pool where water collects from previous rains that fall from the small hole in the ceiling. From the pool winds a small stream that tumbles over the edge and off into the territory. Many tunnels run from the main cave and dead end into dens. Keeping the cave together are tree roots from above. Secret entrances are all over the cave and are used by cats that prefer the non-wet route.

Sub-board: C A V E L E D G E

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EastClan territory contains many open lands with streams and rivers winding through the area. Every here and there are large forests of trees with open clearings in the middle where sun collects and pours down. Dry river beds are also frequently found when the cave is at a loss of water or is in a dry spell. Water is seen often in this territory, though. Whichever river you follow is sure to lead you either to the camp or to the center of all the territories.

Sub-boards: T H E F A L L S, S H A D O W F O R E S T, T H R i L L R A P i D S

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SouthClan camp is located on a high mesa/plateau. As most camps have, SouthClan has one hidden tunnel entrance near the base of the plateau. There is also a trail upwards that most cats take. It's a shaded path where low tree/bushes grow. Their branches meet over head and make a natural archway. They grow all the way up the trail and even border the edges of the plateau. What it doesn't cover, the cats patch up to keep others from falling over the edge.

Sub-board: S K Y T R E E

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SouthClan territory is near the source of all the magic. It's pretty much the most difficult terrain of them all. It has many different parts of land. It faces many random floods, forest/grass fires, storms, small twisters and the like. Yet SouthClan has learned to adjust to these things and make their life immune to these things. This land also has some of the nicest places because the more magic can support them.

Sub-boards: F R O Z E N F i E L D, T H E S W A M P, R E V i V E D C A N O P Y

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Out near the center of WestClan's vast prairies is a tight, little copse of bush-trees. The trees are round and short, similar to bushes but larger. They're covered in thorns, making entry near impossible. Through a secret entrance, the WestClan cats make their camp. Weaving twigs into the trees' branches, they make more closed-off dens and rain-proof roofs. In a more cleared-out space in the center of the copse, the leader sits upon a small rock called the Blackrock to address his clan.

Sub-board: B L A C K R O C K

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WestClan's territory is very wide and open. With gentle hills and short wild grass, it is home to many rabbits and grouse. WestClanners have to be swift to catch their dinner. There are few trees in their territory, only a few here and there. Water can be found in tidy pools and streams, but not as much as on EastClan territory. Fields filled with wildflowers of all kinds dot the grassy place, making a beautiful scene.

Sub-boards: P L E A S A N T M E A D O W S, S E R E N E P O N D, R U i N E D M A Z E

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Shifting Field is a special field with a lone tree with low hanging branches which the leaders perch upon during Gatherings when the truce is held. It's near the center point of all the clans territory, The Spire can be seen in the very distance. Of course, this field isn't just a field. During each full moon when the gatherings are held this land shifts according to the season. In fall the element is earth where the trees leaves are a beautiful yellow, to golden, to pumpkin orange color. Rocks jut out everywhere to provide special seating and a protective rock shoots up out of the ground to form a cave around this wonderful tree. In the summer is when the element fire comes into act. Wonderful red flowers of every kind sprout amongst the black grass. The tree is blackened and at a loss of leaves but still holds beauty. In the spring is water when all the melted snow shows a wonderful water covering to the tips of all the wonderful silver and blue plants. From every branch silver leaves with flowers of all colors spring to show the color of floating flowers in a sea of water-like leaves. In the winter is weather when the tree's leaves are a more wispy, cloud like substance and where fruits the bright color of yellow hang almost like lightning bolts. Hanging from the branches are tendrils of blue ivy. A cover of sparkling mist hangs in the air.

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There is an odd part of the land where a large rock juts up towards the sky. It has one twisted path going up and around the cliff/rock for a long time. It continues spiraling around the object until it finally reaches the top where the land is surprisingly smooth. Trees are everywhere, it's almost like a forest at the top of this formation. Along it's side are small stone walls that rise four foxlengths into the air. In the middle of this forest/dome is a small clear area where the ground is like glass...like water, but it's not. This odd surface reflects the light above, showing the stars or whatever happens to be out.The surface is cold and holds many magic powers. This is what the cats use to connect with their ancestors. Here are where the medicine cat meetings are held and where leaders are made. This is what final finishes the bond between leader and power. No one knows how this spire was created, but it's definitely magic.

1 12 $on$/the/way2the!HOSPITAL!
by x -- a i r e h
Jun 27, 2008 22:12:46 GMT -5


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Right on the division between EastClan and NorthClan are rocks and and rough, peaked terrain that stretches back and around the two clans. If you follow it farther back, they form large cliffs and large drop offs. Its a dangerous place but a wonderful test for daring cats. On top of many flat rises are forests and nice sunning spots. If your willing to take a rough travel up then you have a nice escape. If you know the right places, prey can be found.

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There is one hint of proof that the long forgotten twolegs had once lived in the cat's world. Burnt down and abandoned twoleg nests stand clustered in a village of a little ways form the four clans. Loners and rogues like to make their dens their now in the many 'haunted' nests but clan cats often steer clear just in case. It's obvious many disasters have occurred here, almost any possible it seems but it there is still a chance that the twolegs may come back.

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